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1. Bridge out of School /Bill Townsend/ 2006
2. The extra edge in play of bridge /Terence Reese & Julian Dottage/ 2005
3. Bidding like Music. Hand evaluatioj Bidding decisions. /Krzystof Martens/ 2006
4. Deceptive card play. /David Bird, Marc Smith/ 2000
5. Practical aspects of declarer play /Krzystof Martens/ 2007
6. Dynamic declarer play Part 2 /Krzystof Martens/ 2007
7. Entry management /David Bird, Marc Smith/ 2000
8. Eliminations & throw-ins /David Bird, Marc Smith/ 2000
9. How to play bridge with your spouse ... and survive! /Roselyn Tarkolsky/ 2002
10. Serendipidity in Bridge / R.Jayaram/ 2005
11. Contract bridge /Geo Tislevoll/ 2000
12. The jack who would be king /Jim Kaplan/ 2004
13. Make a start at bridge /Terence Reese, David Bird/ 1994
14. Bridge: light up your understanding of bid /William August/ 1995
15. 5 Weeks to Winning Bridge /Alfred Sheinwold/ 1960


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